A New Day

We ended up spending the night at the Norrisson house. We slept in the guest room and it had a pullout sofa bed so....

Step Two

Everything at our house is as settled as it can be and everyone is ready to escape away on vacation. We are scheduled to leave for Atlanta in two days and it is arranged that my sister and one of my brothers will make periodic visits to the house. Knowing they would do that gave... Continue Reading →

The Spoke for my Wheel

    So I go the jitters. The pre-wedding freak out because I’m asking myself if I’m doing the right thing. I know what I endured during my last marriage and this is what tries to take over my mind and often makes me so afraid to take this important step in my life. Again... Continue Reading →


The thought of dealing with the planning of a wedding makes me cringe and I think Mr. Divine picked that up when after he asked me one day I put my head under a pillow and screamed in frustration. With a laugh, he pulled me out of hiding and into his arms and asked me... Continue Reading →

The Quarrel

Mr. Divine is livid. Like caveman, she’s mine, beat his chest, toss me over his shoulder and lock me in for his pleasure, kind of livid. It had me shivering with pleasure at the thought that I was so important to someone. What has caused this or more like whom? No one else but my... Continue Reading →

The Reaction

So I have officially said 'Yes' to Mr. Divine and we are in continued discussion about what I will...make that 'we' will do next. With the kids in mind, we have decided it would be best to get married during July then take the rest of the summer to relax and settle down as a... Continue Reading →

I said ‘Yes’

"Yes." The word of acceptance, the giving of consent, the acknowledgement that you have agreed to do something. That is what I did. I said yes and agreed to marry Mr. Divine. Yes. I have never seen a happier man and when I whispered this words to him, he held me close and kiss me... Continue Reading →

The Talk

After taking a few deep breaths, make that a lot of deep breaths, I have finally called Mr. Divine and told him I need to talk. Always attentive, he took note of my  tone of voice and arranged for us to have an intimate, uninterrupted dinner. He took us to one of my favourite restaurants and as... Continue Reading →


  I'm yet to give Mr. Divine the all important answer to his question. "Lindsay, will you marry me?" Since he has asked me I think I have experienced every emotion possible while I tried to decide what my answer will be. It's not that he isn't an amazing man, but for months after this... Continue Reading →

Mr. Divine vs Walter

As I mentioned before, but I'll update you if you missed it. Mr. Divine slipped a 'she's-mine-so-back-off' kind of ring on my finger and asked me to think about being officially his. It shocked the...it shocked me but right now I'm wearing his ring and thinking about what he asked me. My daughter spotted the... Continue Reading →

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