Already Missing Her

I’ve been telling you about Kylie for the past few weeks but what about my darling young man Shane? He did amazing in his exams and as a result got into the school of his choice. He is happy with his results, but I don’t see any eagerness in him to start at this new... Continue Reading →

First Date

  The young man standing in the door was a handsome boy and when he saw my daughter walking towards him he broke out into a huge smile. From behind him, he pulled out a bunch of flowers.   "These are for you," he said handing my daughter a bouquet that consisted of a combination... Continue Reading →

She Is Growing Up

After the kids went to bed Mr. Divine and I had a long talk about Kylie's request to go on a date. She was getting to that age and we needed to allow her to start to understand boys and the way they behaved. “I want to hide her forever,” whispered Mr. Divine as we... Continue Reading →

Young Men

Deep breath people, but my young lady has a young man who is interested in her and she seems to like him as well. She came to Mr. Divine and I full of jitters wanting to find out if she could to a movie then for ice-cream with him. I looked at her almost biting... Continue Reading →

Movies that Matter – Sahara

I love Clive Cussler books, and I really mean love. To me, his books are like a history lesson and a full-blown action/adventure movie all rolled into one. So when I saw that his book ‘Sahara’ was being made into a movie I was beyond excited. The movie didn’t disappoint then and it still doesn't... Continue Reading →


In the past, I never went anywhere, but with my husband leaving me and coming to the realization that I was almost a recluse I started to take steps to change that. Things had changed a  lot in the past few years and I must admit by the time my divorce was final I had... Continue Reading →

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