New Discoveries

The excitement of a day at the horse races.
The excitement of a day at the horse races.

Everyday in life we encounter numerous things and people who are unlike anything we’ve ever come across, and that’s what makes life interesting. Around us there is always something going on to keep life from becoming a tedious process, or better yet you learn to make your own fun. Sadly blog land, I somehow didn’t really know what was going on outside my door so I never went to the many events that occurred around me.

Further more while we where together, my beloved husband convinced me that most of the events going on weren’t interesting even though he was always going out to something. He made it seem like every event he went to was work related but in truth he would rather not have to go. I really was very stupid to think of all the activities going on not a single one could be of interest to me.

Somehow I was oblivious of the many things I could attend that didn’t involve partying, so it ended up that I just stayed at home in a bubble of inactivity. If I did go out, other than work related, it was mainly to run errands or to ferry the kids back and forth to their numerous activities. It was ridiculous how inactive I was. I didn’t even exercise. It was only the fact I came from a family with good genes that stopped me from ballooning to an outrageous size. After Walter left, I realized how much I had hampered my life by being so isolated from the world that was going on outside my door, and I knew it had to stop….

Read the full story of “Diary of a Recovering Idiot”. Coming Soon to Amazon.

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